Fwd: Test Mail2Post

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I always wanted to connect my CPC to a VGA display, but haven’t found a good solution to do this. During the last weeks I searched through eBay (search for “CGA VGA converter”) and found a seller, who sells a CGA to VGA converter for a very cheap price (I paid at that time around 15 EUR including shipment).
This is the pinout of the connector cable:
Cable colorFunction RedRed analogue signal GreenGreen analogue signal BlueBlue analogue signal GreySync / RGB switching control YellowVSync (don’t connect this) BlackGND / Common

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dk’tronics LightPen for Amstrad CPCs

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Vortex F1-X 5.25″ Disc Drive

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CPC 664

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CPC 464

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Schneider Item 20526 – RS-232 Interface CPC

I was owning a RS-232 interface for CPCs but i sold it because i didn’t use it anymore.

In the 80s i was using this item together with an dataphon s21-23d.

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Installation of SymbOS

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CPC 6128


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Get Symbiface II up and running

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Added a CF Adapter to the setup using the HowTo from nilquader.

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Symbiface II

I bought one Symbiface II on ebay. Let’s check how to use it.

Symbiface II by Dr. Zed

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