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    • Re: Electric studio Lightpen September 29, 2024
      I can easily fit different connectors and make different versions. So, no adapter needed
    • Re: Designing and building the KCC plus, a new, enhanced CPC6128 compatible computer September 29, 2024
      Considering that the spare address lines in the cartridge interface permit up to 2 MiB of ROM, what about a pair of cartridge ports that each support cartridges with up to 1 MiB?That would be in line with the overall design goal to make the machine roughly twice as good.The flow control lines DTR and […]
    • Re: Electric studio Lightpen September 29, 2024
      Quote from: PulkoMandy on 12:37, 28 September 24Normally this would connect to the CPC expansion port, but I guess most people already have some stuff there. So, where would you connect it? For now I'm using the bypass connector at the back of the MotherX4, but other options are possible.If you are looking for a […]
    • Re: CPC TURBO First Level - project September 28, 2024
      Quote from: eto on 16:54, 28 September 24Is the hd6345 used in the CPC?"Yes"  https://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/amstrad-cpc-hardware/would-you-like-to-have-crtc-5-in-your-cpc-about-hd6345/msg240088/#msg240088
    • Re: Electric studio Lightpen September 28, 2024
      Quote from: PulkoMandy on 12:37, 28 September 24Hello!Someone sent me a lightpen to repair. While I was inside it, I traced the schematics and made a copy of the PCB, so now I can make more lightpens.I think I found plastic tube similar to the original, and I will need to 3D print a tip […]
  • RSS Programming (Harness that Z80 power!)

    • Re: The Genius of Amstrad I/O Addresses (Blog Article) September 30, 2024
      I'm not sure if I understand the main argument:QuoteWhile the OUT (C),C instruction puts the full 16-bits of the BC register pair on the address bus it can only put the eight bits of the C register on the data bus. If the usage of the B and C registers where swapped the gate array's […]
    • Re: The Genius of Amstrad I/O Addresses (Blog Article) September 30, 2024
      Quote from: Bread80 on Today at 15:47The Z80 has 8 bit I/O addresses. The Amstrad CPC uses 16-bit I/O address. This breaks the Z80 (well, parts of it). Why did they do that?Some say it was to save money. But they could have made the same cost savings while still using 8-bit I/O.I dig deeper […]
    • Re: How do I restrict number of characters on "INPUT" instructions September 30, 2024
      Quote from: McArti0 on Today at 06:05Quote from: retro space on Today at 05:50Does it take character position numbers as units for size?No. Its coordinates.I did a small test: the values 2,12,3,3 will create a window at character row 3 (counted starting from 1), starting in character column 2 (also counted from 1), and ending […]
    • Re: The Genius of Amstrad I/O Addresses (Blog Article) September 30, 2024
      It's such a common design choice on Z80 systems that it makes you wonder what Zilog were thinking when they invented some of the block I/O instructions. Sure nothing was likely to ever need 65536 IO devices, but nobody really wanted to do full address decoding either.
    • Re: Compatibility of uncommon HTOTAL and missing HSYNC September 30, 2024
      For trying out missing VSYNC I first thought this could only be done in assembly. But it turns out that this is possible in BASIC, too, although the begin and end of the area are a bit unstable. @McArti0 : I know this can be done much better, but I guess not in BASIC.[code]110 BORDER […]